Method of Payment

Step 1: Choose your preferred method of payment.

Want to learn more about Business Memberships? Please go to

Level of Support

Step 2: Choose your level of support.

Please specify amount:

Billing Information

Step 3: Please enter the billing address associated with your credit or debit card.

First and Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address

Are you making this donation as a gift membership?

Please share the name and address of the recipient of the gift membership, and we'll send them a note letting them know of your gift!


IS THIS DONATION A GIFT IN HONOR OR IN MEMORY OF SOMEONE? If yes, please indicate if this is an honor or memorial gift and include the name and the address of the person to be notified and KUAF will send them a note, letting them know you've supported the station in their honor.
(By leaving a comment, you are giving KUAF consent to read your comment on air and/or include it in promotional materials, unless otherwise noted. Thank you!) Comments:

Donation Summary

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